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In an effort to strengthen communication and transparency with the community, Aerowise, the leading company in corporate aviation, air taxi, aircraft management and handling services in the region, held an exclusive meeting with the main media in the country. The meeting was a unique opportunity to share the company’s vision, progress and future projects with journalists and editors from the most influential media in the sector.

Aerowise’s management team, led by Perla Fagundez, together with the company’s staff, discussed and presented the company’s performance. They addressed key issues such as market expansion, the implementation of new technologies to improve safety and efficiency in operations, and smart aviation solutions initiatives, which are positioning Aerowise as a regional benchmark in the aviation industry.

In addition, the company’s efforts to maintain high quality standards in all its services, from aircraft handling to the customer experience in the air taxi service, were highlighted. ‘Our commitment is not only to our customers, but also to the community and the media, who play a vital role in informing the public about the development of aviation in our region,’ said CEO Perla Fagundez.

The interaction between Aerowise representatives and the media was dynamic and fruitful, allowing for an open exchange of ideas and perspectives on the future of corporate aviation in the region. At the end of the session, attendees had the opportunity to participate in a Q&A session, where topics of public interest were addressed and Aerowise’s commitment to transparency and service excellence was reaffirmed.


This meeting reinforces Aerowise’s position as a leader in its sector and underlines the importance of maintaining a close and constructive relationship with the mainstream media. The company thanks all participants for their attendance and looks forward to continuing to work closely with the media to report on its progress and contributions to the aviation industry.

About Aerowise

Aerowise is a regional leader in corporate aviation, air taxi, aircraft management and handling services. With a solid track record in the market, it is dedicated to offering comprehensive and customised solutions that meet the highest quality and safety standards in the industry. Its commitment to innovation and sustainability positions it as an undisputed leader in the sector.

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