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The Impact of Smart New Owners in Aircraft Ownership

Acquire the highest return, in the management of your aircraft, under the most demanding standards of profitability and use.

Private aviation is experiencing a boom in its operations, this industry in the short term expects a global revenue of 38,000,000, along with a substantial number of new aircraft introduced last year. This success is due to the attraction and loyalty of new corporate passengers, these had not yet flown in business aviation, they discovered the multiple advantages of owning and/or using a private aircraft, with differential values to traditional aviation, such as efficiency, availability, and confidentiality.

The growth in demand challenges us as an industry to maximize our efforts to provide our passengers with a 360° flight experience, where every detail of their aircraft is covered, thanks to Aerowise’s innovative approach. On the other hand, Aerowise’s expertise, in addition to our global coverage, is worth highlighting in handling and ancillary services.

We have extensive experience in aircraft management, this subject involves a high level of professionalism, where the client focuses only on flying his aircraft, leaving the management of it to a professional group. So that your aircraft is flying and earning revenue when the user is not using it, amortizing insurance, hangarage, and other services. Bringing comfort and efficiency to the maximum, at a turning point between economic sustainability and technical capacity.

Geographically, the capitals of Latin America are distant, these are a great business center and need connectivity, taking into account this geographical feature, its aircraft plays a key role, to transport their business with the greatest comfort and convenience. This is one of the edges where private aviation plays a key role. Another point to highlight is that for each aircraft that flies, direct and indirect jobs are generated, becoming a circle of work, where regional economies are activated. In addition to regional coverage, Aerowise manages and flies to destinations around the world, with a varied fleet of fixed and rotary wing aircraft, according to the needs and preferences of each client.

Delivering memorable aviation experiences since 2018. Our excellence is based not only on our technical expertise, but also on the wisdom that our flying history has given us.

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